Worship Services
5:30 PM Saturday | 8:00 AM Sunday (traditional)
10:30 AM Sunday (contemporary)

Christian Education
9:15 AM Sunday


“Monumental” VBS 2022

Celebrating God’s Greatness! Go off-road for a Monumental adventure through the colorful canyons and sunbaked trails of the southwest. By exploring God’s awesomeness, kids form a rock-solid faith for the road ahead. “Monumental” VBS will be held at St. John’s on Monday, June 13 through Thursday, June 16 from 6-8 PM each evening. We can’t…

Vacation Bible School

It’s easy to get lost. That’s why we need Jesus! To make it through this unknown world safely, kids need a guide who can keep them on the right path. At Rainforest Explorers, learn how Jesus is our ultimate guide in the rainforest and our lives. He leads us to the treasure of eternal life, and…

Youth Trip to Holiday World

Attention St. John’s Youth – We are going to Holiday World! The trip is scheduled for July 29th, and is open to anyone going into 6th grade through high school. However, due to COVID-19, we will not be able to bus you there. Your parents will need to arrange for transportation for you. Please sign…