Worship Services
5:30 PM Saturday | 8:00 AM Sunday (traditional)
10:30 AM Sunday (contemporary)

Christian Education
9:15 AM Sunday

Eagle’s Nest Preschool is a ministry of St. John’s Lutheran Church. Our preschool is located inside St. John’s at 901 W Jefferson Ave in Effingham, IL. Our phone number is (217) 342.4334. For the latest updates about our preschool, visit our Facebook page.

enrollment form

The purpose of Eagle’s Nest Preschool is to provide a safe and nurturing educational experience, while promoting Christian family values and spiritual growth for children. Our preschool is fully licensed, and is open to anyone from any church background interested in a Christian preschool education for their child.

More about our preschool program:

  • Monthly Themes – centers, toys and equipment change with each new theme
  • Colors, shapes, numbers, letters, science, math, social studies, reading, language and art are coordinated with the theme
  • 3 year curriculum (27 different monthly themes) so children can attend consecutive years with no repetition
  • Daily schedule alternates quiet and active play, small and large group interaction, and hands on learning activities
  • Routine includes circle time, free play, art, Jesus time, gym time, snacks, music and movement and story time
  • Free play centers available daily include: sand/water table, play-doh, art easel, light table, blocks and building toys, cognitive and manipulative toys, puzzles, writing center, science center, computers, library, housekeeping, dress-up area, imaginative play, and puppets
  • Daily art projects encourage creativity and freedom of expression through a variety of media
  • Religion curriculum includes 1 Bible story each month with accompanying lessons and application
  • Christian morals, values, beliefs and behavior are interwoven throughout every preschool session
  • Daily large muscle play with tricycles, wagons, scooters and climbing structures in our large gymnasium
  • Music and movement daily, also rhythm instruments, rhythm sticks and bean bags
  • Holiday parties with a Christian emphasis – Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines and Easter – families invited!
  • Special monthly opportunities – field trips and/or visitors, trips to our own church library, book club and software club orders, Star of the Week, birthdays and more!
  • Monthly newsletters, snack lists, and calendars to help parents stay informed
  • Parent-teacher conferences twice a year, with testing in the Spring

Thank you for your interest in Eagle’s Nest Preschool! If you have questions, please contact us.