Dear Members and Friends of St. John’s,
In order to ensure we’re safely gathering in person for Services, we’re implementing two changes for this weekend, August 15-16:
– Add a Service at 4:00pm on Saturday.
– Require signup for the 10:30am Service, due to its unique format and therefore its likelihood of being the fullest Service. Click here to go to the signup form for 10:30am Service. If you cannot use the online signup link, please call the church office (217-342-4334). If you cannot use the spot(s) for which you signed up, please cancel them so that others have the opportunity. Thank you.
There is no signup requirement for the Services at:
– 4:00pm Saturday
– 5:30pm Saturday
– 8:00am Sunday
If the 10:30am Service fills, please join your brothers and sisters in Christ in one of the other three!
We encourage all worshipers to wear a face mask and to be carefully distanced. If you do not feel well, stay home.
Our video recordings will continue. One Service will be posted to our website and on Facebook early Sunday morning. It will also be broadcast on Mediacom Channel 81 at 10:00am Sunday. The 10:30am Service will be posted Sunday afternoon.
Regardless of when you worship — in person or at home — worship! Remember that receiving God’s Word in worship is not optional for us Christians. Rejoice that as St. John’s Lutheran Church we have many ways and times to worship together!
The Lord be with you, in Christ,
Pastor Burdick & The Board of Elders