Worship Services
5:30 PM Saturday | 8:00 AM Sunday (traditional)
10:30 AM Sunday (contemporary)

Christian Education
9:15 AM Sunday

Sign Up Now to be Included in the Church Directory

Update August 26, 2020 – Lifetouch has made the decision to put their photography on hold for the time being due to COVID-19. Future dates will be announced here on our website, on Facebook, and in the Eagle.

Dear St. John’s family,

To celebrate our church and strengthen the bond within our congregation, we welcome you to be a part of our upcoming new directory. We need you to make our directory complete!

A new directory:

  • Preserves this special time in the life our church
  • Becomes a lasting record of our current membership 
  • Helps us connect faces with names

We are partnering with Lifetouch for this important project. Lifetouch is providing the directory at no cost to our church. Every family photographed receives a complimentary directory and an 8×10 portrait. You may sign up for a photography appointment hereor call the Lifetouch Company directly at 1-866-756-0281.  We will be staffing onsite sign ups after services beginning the weekend August 29/30 if needed.


  • Thursday and Friday, October 15-16 from 2-8pm
  • Saturday, October 17 from 10am-4pm
  • Thursday and Friday, October 22-23 from 2-8pm
  • Saturday, October 24 from 10am-4pm

For your convenience, all photography and portrait viewing will take place at our church with no sitting fee. You will have a variety of poses taken and one pose will be selected for the directory. In addition to your complimentary 8×10, you will have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits on the day of your portrait session.  Watch our website, newsletter and Facebook page.  Lifetouch offers a 20% Senior/Military/First Responder Discount.

Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to be professionally photographed. We are looking forward to seeing you in our directory.  I am encouraging 100% participation!  Of course you may submit photos as well.   In the event that your loved one is in a care facility, you are out of town, or have a college student who cannot be here for a photo, please feel free to send one to:  St. John’s Lutheran Church, 901 W Jefferson, Effingham, IL  62401.  If it is a professional photo from another studio, a release form will be required.

Your Pastor,

Pastor Mike Burdick

P.S.  A members list will be included in the back of our directory.  Now is the time to make sure the office has your up-to-date information!  Call them at 217-342-4334 Monday through Fridays 8-11:30 and 12:30-4:00.  Thank you!